
Vision Statement
The New Brunswick Association of Dietitians delivers regulatory excellence to contribute to the health of the people of New Brunswick.

Mission Statement
The New Brunswick Association of Dietitians’ mission is to regulate the dietetic practice for the protection of the people of New Brunswick.

The following values guide decision-making:
Value 1: Collaboration
Value 2: Evidence-based
Value 3: Protection of public
Value 4: Ethical and Professionalism
Value 5: Leadership
Value 6: Transparency and Accountability
Value 7: Proactive, Efficient and Resourceful
Value 8: Inclusive and Diverse

Please consult the NBAD 2021-2024 Strategic Plan.


NBAD’s role is to regulate Registered Dietitians in the province of New Brunswick.

To use the title ”Dietitian”, ”Dietician”, ”Registered Dietitian”, ”Professional Dietitian”, ”Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist”, the abbreviations ”R.D.”, ”P.Dt.” or ”RDN”, or other designation representing the title, the person must be a member of the New Brunswick Association of Dietitians. This is to ensure that the public receives the best possible care by a competent professional dietitian.

If you would like to know if a dietitian is registered with the Association, please access our complete and up to date NB Dietitians Directory.

If you have a complaint about the competency of a dietitian, please contact the Registrar at (506) 386-5903 or registrar@adnb-nbad.com.

Registered Dietitians are the best source of nutrition information.

Christine Roherty, R.D.
President, NBAD